Do you ever tag your Instagram posts with #depression or similar tags?
Are you at least 18 years old?
We want to talk to you.

Exploring the intersection of photo sharing practices and depression

Research Objectives
We (Nazanin Andalibi and Andrea Forte) are a team of researchers at the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University in Philadelphia. We are interested in understanding how adults use images on social media to communicate about mental health and specifically depression. We would like to talk to you about your general social media use, your general Instagram use, as well as Instagram use as it relates to sharing depression-related content. We expect this to take approximately 60-90 minutes of your time. Interviews can be completed via phone, skype or in person if you are local to Philadelphia.

Information for Research Subjects Eligibility
You can participate in this study if you are older than 18 years of age, are able to speak English, and use Instagram to share content specifically tagged with “depression” or similar tags.  

The tags we are interested in exploring include but are not limited to:
#depression, #depressed, #depressionsucks, #depressionhurts, #depressionquotes, #depressedquotes, #depressedquote, #depressionquote, #depressionrecovery, #depressedmode, #depressedmood

You'll be compensated $20 for your help and time as you help us learn more about online photo sharing practices. 

Depression Resources
In the event that you or someone close to you would like information about coping with depression, you may wish to consult these resources.

Location of the research and person to contact for further information
If you have questions, please contact:
Nazanin Andalibi – email: - cell: 917-755-8086

If you would like to participate in this study,
please complete this consent form
and we will continue from there.